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"Contract Templates: Making a Fresh Start", an ACC Live Web Event Featuring Ken Adams and Occurring on 21 February 2024

8 February 2024

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I'm pleased that on Wednesday, 21 February 2024, at noon ET, I'll be speaking at a live web event offered by the Law Department Management network of the Association of Corporate Counsel. I'll be joined by Lorne O'Reilly, ACC Global board member, who will moderate the discussion. There's no charge, and all are welcome—not just ACC members. [Updated 17 February 2024: I've confirmed that nonmembers are indeed welcome to register at no charge.] Go here for the registration page.

The topic—proposed by yours truly—is "Contract Templates: Making a Fresh Start." That's a revolutionary topic: because there's so much about the world of contracts that could be improved, it's time to consider starting over, with new templates and a different process. It's standard for companies to tinker with their templates, but I've not encountered anyone discussing starting over. This will provide an opportunity to discuss what doesn't work in contracts, and what might work.

We hope those attending will join in the conversation. To get you all thinking, under the "Program Materials" tab there's a link to a document I wrote entitled Some Propositions Regarding Contract Templates. The idea is to spend less time at the event imparting basic information and spend more time discussing how a fresh start might work.

I'll offer Adams Contracts as an example of one way to make a fresh start, but we'll also consider standard-form initiatives, with Bonterms, Common Paper, and oneNDA being those that come to mind.

I hope to see you there!