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You Think Our Template Has Too Many Questions? Read This

24 October 2023

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I suspect that many who have created a sophisticated document-assembly contract template have proudly waited to have it met with some acclaim, only to find that the response they hear most often is, “There are too many questions!”

That was my experience some ten years ago, when I built my first document-assembly template. Well, this time, I’m prepared with four responses to that complaint.

First Response

When you use our confidentiality agreement template for the first time, you might spend a couple of hours going through the interview, consulting the guidance, and contemplating how to respond to the questions. Would that be a good use of your time for purposes of some high-volume, low-value transaction? Probably not. Would it be worthwhile for a transaction you actually care about, a transaction where you know that something significant is at stake? It might well be.

Second Response

A key phrase in the previous paragraph is “for the first time.” Once you’ve gone through the interview a couple of times, you’ll go through it much faster.

Third Response

But the best way to speed up the process is to reuse for a new transaction the set of answers you gave when you used the template for another comparable transaction. (Each time you use the template, you can save the answers.) That way your task is limited to adjusting answers if you think it appropriate. I’ll soon tell you exactly how to take advantage of those efficiencies.

Fourth Response

You don’t have any old answer-sets to call on? Instead of the full version of the template, use one of the five versions of the template that have default answers selected so they’re suitable for different scenarios. I’ll get those up within two weeks. You’d be using not your own set of answers, but ours.

The Upshot

So before making me cry by saying “Too many questions,” consider the ways you could sidestep that issue.