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We’re Starting Small

21 October 2023

Starting Small

We’ve just opened for business, and we’re offering a grand total of … two templates. Our confidentiality agreement template and our boilerplate template.

You might be saying to yourself, “Two templates! Acme Templates has 397 templates!” Well, I’m comfortable with our two templates, for two reasons.

First, creating document-assembly templates is hard work. (More about that in a future post.) Our confidentiality agreement template represents months of work on my part. It would be reckless for us to sink substantial resources into building lots of templates and wait until they’re all built before selling any of them.

And second, we’re not selling widgets. Instead, we’re selling a complex product to address complex needs. The sooner we get your feedback and make adjustments, the better. Making adjustments to two templates and reflecting those adjustments in templates we go on to build makes more sense that having to adjust a whole stockpile of templates.

We look forward to building more templates with the input of a community of organizations and individuals who support our mission of improving contracts, for everyone’s benefit.