Ken Adams Contract Blog

We’re at the Association of Corporate Counsel Annual Meeting, in San Antonio

Written by Ken Adams | October 23 2023

I’m at the Association of Corporate Counsel annual meeting in San Antonio, Texas. Today (Monday) is the first full day.

I’ll be one of many staffing the LegalSifter booth (No. 720), ready to demo Adams Contracts automated templates to anyone interested. I hope some of you will drop by. We’re giving away six copies of the fifth edition of A Manual of Style for Contract Drafting (one copy on Sunday and Wednesday; two copies on Monday and Tuesday). I’d be happy to sign them.

I’ve attended a few ACC annual meetings, and I’ve spoken at a couple. I’ve enjoyed them all. I particularly remember the first one, around 15 years ago. I wandered into a session on contracts. It was in a cavernous hall, with hundreds in attendance. I was a few minutes late, so I parked myself in an empty seat at the back of the hall. At one point, a speaker mentioned that a noted authority on contract drafting was in attendance. Who might that be, I wondered. It quickly became clear he was referring to me! That was an early indication that my notion of making a career out of my interest in contract language wasn’t entirely crazy.

I hope to see you there!